Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf


Persons involved in the project:

Götz Thomalla

Prof. Dr. med. Götz Thomalla
Coordinator of the project

Annina Riener

Annina Riener
Project Management

Description of the institution:

UKE is the largest hospital in the metropolitan area of Hamburg and one of the leading clinics in Europe. With more than 10,000 employees, UKE is the third-largest employer in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. UKE has more approximately 1,700 hospital beds. Each year, UKE treats around 80,000 in-patients, 260,000 out-patients, and more than 120,000 emergency patients. As the first university clinic in Europe, UKE has introduced a hospital-wide electronic patient file facilitating a paperless clinical routine. In 2011, UKE was certified as the first fully digital hospital in Europe.

The clinical stroke research team at the Department of Neurology at UKE has a long-standing track record in international cooperation in acute stroke research and clinical trials including the participation European projects funded by FP6, FP7, and H2020. UKE currently participates in more than 30 FP7/Horizon 2020 grants including 8 FP7- and 9 Horizon 2020-funded collaborative projects, 5 of which are successfully coordinated by UKE (socSMCs, DiMoPEx, CANCER-ID, EuRhythDia, WAKE-UP). The Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at the UKE has its research focus in diseases of the brain vessels in general and a long tradition in Stroke research in particular. This department was one of the first autonomous departments in Germany established in this field, more than 50 years ago. It has grown to one of the biggest Neuroradiology centers in Europe with more than fifty employees. The Department of Neuroradiology is now pioneering modeling and simulation as design element of clinical trials in the field of endovascular interventions. Here, ERASER has been conducted, the first study using predictive modeling as part of primary endpoint. Other trials with predictive modelling as secondary endpoint have been finished (THRILL) or are just starting (NeuroSQUAD, STEALTH). Over the last two decades, the Neuroradiology has gained extensive experience in conception, organization and conduct of clinical studies in acute stroke and in particular in image postprocessing of data as acquired within these trials.

Website Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf

The Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf is Coordinator of the TENSION project and leader of WP6 (Health economic assessment and gender analysis) and WP8 Coordination and project management.


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